Thursday, October 4, 2012

Dear Cardigan

Dear Cardigan,

You were one of my first purchases out here in America. It took me about 9 months before I could afford to buy any new clothes after coming back from Honduras. I instantly liked you. I knew you would match me and I’d match you. Last winter I wore you all the time, even with my pajamas when I rolled around in front of the television. I was excited for this fall to come because I knew we’d be back together again. But now I’ve gone and ruined it all cardigan. I threw you in the dryer when I should have hung you to dry. I should have known better but alas that is my story. Knows better but doesn’t do better. I will miss the way you used to make me feel. Confident and flowing. You are a bit short now and you make my ass look big. I know you don’t mean to. I will miss how we were. Maybe I can grow to love you for how we are. Besos.


A foolish man